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Four Tulsa couples together in life and in song on the best tunes for love (and for war)

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Scott & Margee

Scott and Margee Aycock, treasures to folk music in a place that’d be unrecognizable if not for the radicals of the genre, have made music together for more than three decades—even growing a few new music makers along the way.

Where did you fall in love? 
I saw a mysterious, cute guy wearing a long, dark coat walking across the campus of ORU. He didn’t seem to fit the mold of ORU and that intrigued me, as neither did I. I fell a little harder after our first kiss. We were best friends for a couple of years and decided to join his parents and other friends of ours at Mountain View Folk Festival in Arkansas. There was both music and love in the air, and the rest is history.

The song that reminds you of him/her.
Well of course, Tom Waites’ “The Man in the Long Black Coat.” But really, any early Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.
Scott: Besides the songs I have written for her, Rod Stewart’s “Maggie May.”

The last fight you had about music.
We don’t fight about music. He is the boss of the music. The only disagreement we ever have is how loud to play it.
Scott: Car rides. Books on tape (Margee) versus music (me).

But when it comes to music, you can both agree that ...
We both love a great melody/harmony and great lyrics with a leaning toward folk, blues and Americana. Artists with the same leaning are the ones we choose to host in our house concert series.

Beatles or Stones?

First concert together?
I can tell you our favorite concert of all time was Ry Cooder at the Cain’s.

First single you bought as a kid? 
“Build me up Buttercup” by the Foundations.  
Scott: “I Saw Her Standing There” by The Beatles.

Star Wars or Star Trek? 
You can’t go wrong with either of them.

Ideal superpower?
Well that would be flying.
Scott: Fly.