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Voice's choices

Staff picks for the best and worst of 2015

For the grand finale of the year in Voice’s Choices, TTV staff chimed in with their personal favorites of 2015, from movies, music and books to news stories and hopes for the year ahead. Because writers aren’t the only ones with opinions.

GREG BOLLINGER | Photographer

Best Meal
2015 was the year of the Hasty Bake for me. Everything I’ve made with that wonderful smoke box was the best. Manufactured right here in Tulsa!

Best Book
“Prayer Man: Out of the shadows and into the light.” A must read for anyone who doesn’t believe the official version of the JFK assassination events.

Worst Politician
Mary “Can’t Stop” Fallin

Most Hopeful News Story
The successful SpaceX landing.

Best Moment for Tulsa
The continuing development of the Tulsa Office of Film, Music, Arts & Culture.

GEORGIA BROOKSGraphic Designer

Best Meal
I went to Italy this year, so the best meal has to be fresh pear ravioli from some way-too-fancy place in Florence. However, the second best meal of 2015 was the Reuben from Seigi’s food stand at Oktoberfest. Yeah, yeah, beer is good, but it’s so much better as an accessory to wash down each bite of the messiest and most delicious sandwich ever invented.

Best Movie
I loved “
It Follows.” I am not a scary movie fiend, but seeing a clever one is a lot of fun. Totally worth all of the nightmares it gave me.

Best Book
The Goldfinch” was literally the best book I read all year because it was the only book I read all year. No regrets at all; it was fun, inventive, and very well-written. A fantastical story with a great protagonist narrator–many reviewers have compared it to a Dickens novel.

Most Hopeful News Story
I was extremely happy with Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’ on caring for the earth. Whatever your opinion or faith, it’s past time that environmental consciousness be viewed and discussed as a moral issue.

Thing that defined 2015
​Acaí bowls from Nourish Café. I can’t describe them but they changed my life for the healthier and happier. Go get one right now.


Best Television Show
The final weeks of “
Mad Men” 

Best Movie

Best Album
​Spotify Year in Music tells me my most listened to album of 2015 was Kacey Musgrave’s Pageant Material. 

Worst Moment for Tulsa
The response from some of the community to the proposed location of the new
Iron Gate facility.

Person who defined 2015
My best friend, Annie, had her new beautiful baby, Paisley.

JOSHUA KLINE | Managing Editor

Best Meal
Chicken fried pork with roasted turnips, charred greens and bacon gravy from Tallgrass Prairie Table. Good lard. 

Best Movie
Mad Max: Fury Road,” “The Big Short,” “Anomalisa” and “Heaven Knows What.” Choice subject to change with mood.

Best TV Show
I feel bad recommending Netflix’s true crime documentary “Making a Murderer.” It’s going to ruin your week. 

Most Hopeful News Story
That an apparently honest politician like Bernie Sanders can advance in the presidential race as far as he has with a grassroots campaign, even as he proudly calls himself a democratic socialist and refuses to accept money from special interest groups.

In 2016, most looking forward to:
Watching Tulsa continue its long, painful slog toward reconciling its past and future. 


Best Meal
Crispy Chicken and Noodles from
Polo Grill

Best Movie
Black Mass

Best Moment for Tulsa
The retirement of
Sheriff Glanz.

Worst Moment for Tulsa
The sale of
Williams Co.

Person who defined 2015
Marq Lewis of We The People Oklahoma, an example of how peaceful activism can produce positive outcomes.

JOHN LANGDONAssistant Editor

Best Meal
This may be a cop out, but for me it was the Leftover Last Waltz. It’s like a family dinner with a giant family of music fans, and “The Last Waltz” has never sounded better than on the Cain’s system. This year, the delicious feast was provided by several local restaurants, including Burn Co., Tallgrass Prairie Table and Mr. Nice Guys, among others. 

Best Movie
At this moment, I feel like I can’t not say “The Force Awakens,” having just seen it for the second time last night, but it was probably actually “Mad Max: Fury Road.”

Best Moment for Tulsa
Being featured on “Drunk History.”

In 2016, most looking forward to: 
New seasons of “Twin Peaks” and “The X-Files”

JULEY ROFFERS | President of Langdon Publishing

Best Meal
Pan-fried chicken at Celebrity Restaurant

Best Book
“Love in the Time of Cholera” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Most Depressing News Story
That Donald Trump would stay so high in the polls for such a long time—just a sign of the Dumbing Down of America.

Best Moment for Tulsa
Opening of the Tulsa Botanic Garden, a beautiful place, good reflection on Tulsa, and hopefully a place Tulsa families will visit together.

Thing that defined 2015
Always, my family, regardless of what else is happening anywhere.

MORGAN WELCHGraphic Designer

Best Album
5 Seconds of Summer’s sophomore album Sounds Live, Feels Live. Their sound really matured, along with their beards. If you’re a first time listener, or don’t have the highest opinion of them, listen to this album.

Best Movie
Magic Mike XXL.” I had my reasons for why I never thought I’d see the first “Magic Mike,” but after catching it on TV and seeing the acting and cinematography, my views drastically changed. Without hesitation, I saw the second one and was not let down. It was ten times better than the first.

Best Moment for Tulsa
The opening of Dilly Diner, because it has everything breakfasty I love about a diner and then some.

In 2016, most looking forward to:
Going to more concerts/festivals, trying new food, and getting through one more year before the impending apocalypse.

GENE WHITEReceptionist

Best Book
“A Hidden Wholeness - The Journey Toward an Undivided Life,” by Parker J. Palmer

Best Movie

Worst Politician
Donald Trump—he is using outrageous comments with no care for how they affect our national security or cloud the status of this country.  His only interest is in feeding his enormous ego which reveals his low self-esteem.

Best Moment for Tulsa
Continuing construction of The Gathering Place, which will eventually benefit all Tulsans.

In 2016, most looking forward to: 
My hope is for continued personal growth and the sincere desire by all to save our country and the world through intercultural education and unity.